Addons by Tag

by bonbon
Lets admins make disco on map point (lasers, colored fog, songs, spinning disco ball)

disco Details Version: 3.0.1b
Updated:2010-02-14 22:30:16
Downloads: 60814

SPB -PaintBall- Screenshot
by sn4k3
PaintBall Effects!

SPB -PaintBall- Details Version: v2.1
Updated:2008-08-28 20:28:54
Downloads: 24521

awesomeTracer Screenshot
by deathx9
Bullet tracers in team colours or user selected colours.

awesomeTracer Details Version: 1.00
Updated:2008-07-06 01:42:55
Downloads: 13087

ColoredHealth Screenshot
Sets the color and transparency of players based on health. Requires only ES 2.0+

ColoredHealth Details Version: 3
Updated:2007-10-22 07:52:09
Downloads: 9332

by EmbouT
Fourni une commande (ESS) et un module (ESP) pour envoyé des messages colorés au joueurs ou dans le tchat

colormsg Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-08-25 09:33:11
Downloads: 12623

Allows players to swap money, score, position, or team with their victims. Requires only ES 2.0+

SwapWithVictim Details Version: 4
Updated:2007-10-29 06:59:19
Downloads: 4944

Simpsons Screenshot
This mod is called Simpsons. It is based on the video called

Simpsons Details Version: v0.3
Updated:2008-05-21 21:13:37
Downloads: 10685

Victim Stats Screenshot
Victim Stats

Victim Stats Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2008-07-08 05:10:55
Downloads: 26819

TeamFog Screenshot
Renders colored fog that changes based on the location of teams. Requires only ES 2.0+

TeamFog Details Version: 4
Updated:2007-10-24 09:50:49
Downloads: 5959

by Jeff91
Gives you somthing to spend your extra money on in CSS.

CSS Items Mod Details Version: Finished
Updated:2007-12-25 03:05:30
Downloads: 5715

esc - Eventscripts Colors! Screenshot
by Freakyy
With this addon you can easily add ALL Colors to the chat! Working for Python AND ESS!

esc - Eventscripts Colors! Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2012-06-29 15:57:21
Downloads: 8306

by Undead
Fun popup menu to change a player's color

Crazy Colors Details Version: 1.3b
Updated:2008-08-17 22:00:11
Downloads: 10840

by Don
Players change colors as they get more kills! Set colors and levels!

ColorUp v1.05 by Don - Works with DoD:S! Details Version: 1.05
Updated:2007-07-11 19:56:16
Downloads: 3046

by bobdole
A random tracer colour for each shot.

RandomTrace Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2008-03-04 03:11:03
Downloads: 3260

by bobdole
Allow players to choose their own personal tracer colour.

ColourTrace Details Version: v2.0
Updated:2008-03-04 03:30:26
Downloads: 7134

by bobdole
Choose your own personal flash-bang blind colour.

ColourFlash Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2008-03-01 08:18:59
Downloads: 3881

Color Mod Screenshot
Color mod allows players to change there colors

Color Mod Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-03-21 16:45:01
Downloads: 3538

by bobdole
Player trails coloured by which team the player is on.

PyTrails Details Version: v1.1
Updated:2008-04-28 05:10:27
Downloads: 5639

by Eun
This module adds new color support to eventscripts, its posible to use red, blue and grey messages in addition to the other colors

pMsg Details Version: 0.3
Updated:2008-10-28 12:34:15
Downloads: 3182

by Fugi91
Schussspurfarben in Team-Farben oder Benutzer-Farben.

awesomeTracer [DE/EN] Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2017-01-17 05:59:26
Downloads: 9227

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