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pMsg - Version 0.3

posted on 2008-10-28 12:25:33
by Eun


This module can print colored messages to all players Howto use: syntax: pprint(,) To display red, blue or grey, you need at least one player in the matching team. For example: If you want to display a red message you need at least one player in the Terrorist team! For blue 1 Counter-Terrorist, for grey 1 Spectator. If there is no player in this team the color yellow would be used. Examples: You can use [code] Playerlists: pprint(playerlib.getPlayerList('#ct'),'#redHello world') # Hello world in red to all ct's pprint(playerlib.getPlayerList('#t'),'#blueHello world') # Hello world in blue to all t's pprint(playerlib.getPlayerList('#all'),'#greyHello world') # Hello world in grey to all Or single IDs: pprint(userid,'#redHello world') # Hello world in red pprint(5,'#blueHello world') # Hello world in blue to playert with userid 5 pprint(event_var['userid'],'#greyHello world') # Hello world in grey [/code] [code] import pMsg.pMsg def player_say(ev): text = ev['text'] userid = ev['userid'] pMsg.pMsg.pprint(playerlib.getPlayerList('#alive'),"#red" + ev['es_username']+"#default : #redtext") #Print red name and red text to all alive players [/code] Note: You cant use #red, #blue, #grey or #lightgreen in one command. [code]pprint(userid,"#redHello #blueWorld") # would display the whole message in red[/code] Please report bugs or comments.


1. Upload to your Server 2. Use it in your scripts

Version Notes For 0.3

Updated on: 2008-10-28 12:34:15 EST by Eun (View Zip Contents)
To display red, blue or grey, you need at least one player in the matching team. For example: If you want to display a red message you need at least one player in the Terrorist team! For blue 1 Counter-Terrorist, for grey 1 Spectator. If there is no player in this team the color yellow would be used.

( Previous Versions )