User Addons

Annonce, en direct, les dommages causés.

Show-Damage Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2010-04-16 19:51:49
Downloads: 38691

Surplus de sang, décapitations, explosions, carbonisation, etc.

GoreMod (BROKE!) Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2010-04-16 19:22:43
Downloads: 11057

Simule l'effet d'un parachute.

Parachute Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-05-10 20:20:31
Downloads: 17368

Provides an event fired when a player press/unpress some keys. Requires only EventScripts OrangeBox v2.1.1.338+ and Source Python Extensions v1.5.0f r83+!

Client KeyPress (OrangeBox) Details Version: 1.6
Updated:2011-12-01 17:08:03
Downloads: 16434

Allows players to easily bunnyhop! Requires only EventScripts v2.1.1.338+ and Source Python Extensions v1.5.0f r83+!

Easy Bunny Hopping Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2011-03-14 11:14:24
Downloads: 17906

Allows players to grab and throw physics objects with their default pistol (Glock & Usp). Requires only EventScripts OrangeBox v2.1.1.360 and EventScripts eXtensions v0.1c!

PhysCannon Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-11-10 03:33:33
Downloads: 4063

Snowfall: Source Screenshot
Creates snowfall on every maps! Requires only EventScripts OrangeBox v2.1.1.370!

Snowfall: Source Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2011-11-23 12:13:20
Downloads: 4033

FireBalls (OrangeBox) Screenshot
Permet aux joueurs de lancer des balles de feu explosives!

FireBalls (OrangeBox) Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-07-01 05:24:37
Downloads: 5221

Compte à rebours.

C4Timer Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-05-17 10:51:53
Downloads: 7109

Daggers (OrangeBox) Screenshot
Allows all players to throw their knives to kill their enemies!

Daggers (OrangeBox) Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-07-15 03:52:44
Downloads: 8701

PaintBalls (BROKE!) Screenshot
Simule un effet de paintballs.

PaintBalls (BROKE!) Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2010-05-16 16:03:20
Downloads: 4043

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