Latest Addons

awp limit

awplimit Details Version: 1.06
Updated:2010-11-19 11:14:49
Downloads: 12734

Quake Hit Screenshot
When you hurt a player,you will hear a sound(quake hit sound)

Quake Hit Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-18 14:55:40
Downloads: 4198

by BackRaw
just another little victim stats addon

BackRaw's Intelligent Victim Stats Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-18 08:44:50
Downloads: 2783

HostMessage Screenshot
by m0rthzx
This is a Simple script. When you join the server a message will display short after join joined. With some colors

HostMessage Details Version: Eventscript 2.0+
Updated:2010-04-17 13:57:52
Downloads: 2795

Map End Sound & Timeleft Screenshot
by kajla
Map end sound and Timeleft in HLSW :) - Pálya végi hang és hátralévő idő kiíró HLSW-ben! :) - Multilanguage

Map End Sound & Timeleft Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-17 14:20:19
Downloads: 6753

cs:s удаляет с карты бочки и тд

del_barrel Details Version: 1.00
Updated:2010-04-17 08:44:30
Downloads: 2665

Eine Erweiterung für das Stamm Plugin von uedi. Platin Member haben mehr funktionen.

Stamm Platinum Plugin by Sàntá Details Version: 0.1b
Updated:2010-04-17 08:39:31
Downloads: 2865

Knife mode assez sympatique :)

knife_mod Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2010-04-16 06:09:35
Downloads: 2531

by RaM
Mute Of Dead

Mute Of Dead Details Version: Beta
Updated:2010-04-14 21:53:47
Downloads: 2559

by RaM
Mute De Mortos

Mute De Mortos Details Version: Beta
Updated:2010-04-14 21:41:31
Downloads: 2483

by BackRaw
this small addon simply decreases the gravity for each team

BackRaw's MoonMod Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-14 17:52:10
Downloads: 2618

Quick Match Screenshot
First player that connects gets QM-Admin, he can set password, execute ko3/lo3 and more. good for public match servers.

Quick Match Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-04-27 05:31:50
Downloads: 9168

Soccer Mod 2009 en Español Screenshot
Led by: Franc1sco
Collaborators: dordtcore
Este es el soccer mod 2009 con el menu traducido al español.

Soccer Mod 2009 en Español Details Version: 1
Updated:2010-04-13 13:05:25
Downloads: 2887

Bhost - Bhop Boost! Screenshot
Bhop boost

Bhost - Bhop Boost! Details Version: v1
Updated:2010-04-12 12:39:08
Downloads: 9248

Auto-Respawn for that you can always be alive / Auto-Respawn para que siempre se pueda estar vivo.

Auto-Respawn By Franc1sco Details Version: 3
Updated:2010-04-11 15:54:46
Downloads: 7808

Surplus de sang, décapitations, explosions, carbonisation, etc.

GoreMod (BROKE!) Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2010-04-16 19:22:43
Downloads: 11057

Great River Teleporter (GRT) Screenshot
by Deathyy
A quick/simple teleporter menu

Great River Teleporter (GRT) Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-10 14:22:30
Downloads: 2979

by m0f3t4
-...mi nombre steam: bajocontinuo

Est_admin en Español Details Version: M0F3T4
Updated:2010-04-10 07:13:15
Downloads: 2842

stop Platform Bhop

sbhop Details Version: 1.00
Updated:2010-04-09 12:24:32
Downloads: 2948

Hi this is super_admin in swedish version now :D and fixed the bugs.. like !menu .. so now it is fixed / Hejsan! nu har jag fixat super_admin alla buggarna är nog fixade får jag hoppas.. hoppas du tycker om den :)

Super_admin in swedish *fixed* + es_tools 0.420  Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2010-04-09 10:04:35
Downloads: 3409

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