Before any notes, and huge Thanks goes out to Ojii for putting in a ton of effort on the sql access.
[b]It is IMPERATIVE that you keep this addon loaded, and in your autoexec.cfg This file provides the spendlevels command, and without it will not function.[/b]
Because of this, the next release will include an admin message that says how many users still have levels to spend.
Similiar to Jeff's 0.75 convertor,which converts all versions prior to 0.77 and can be found [url=]here[/url], this turns your 0.77 sql database saved user's levels into usable levels in WCS:Python
How it works:
Install WCSPython. Then install this pluggin (the converter) then drop your es_wcsdata.sqldb into the ..addons/eventscripts/wcs_keyconvertor77/ folder.
Load wcs and then load wcs_keyconvertor77, it then automatically adds spendable levels for all users that where in your es_wcsdata.sqldb
Upon joining, any user with levels to spend will be informed that they do have levels remaining. They are instructed to to type
Also added admin command
Which displays total amount of users that still have levels to spend, and the total number of unspent levels.
Fairly simple.
Install WCSPython. Then install this pluggin (the converter) then drop your es_wcsdata.sqldb into the ..addons/eventscripts/wcs_keyconvertor77/ folder.
The add the following line, [b]AFTER[/b] your wcs line in your autoexec.cfg
es_load wcs_convertor77
They are then instructed on the remaining amount of levels they have to spend, and told to press esc along with the levels to spend on the current the race.
It is simple, and efficient.
Fairly simple.
Install WCSPython. Then install this pluggin (the converter) then drop your es_wcsdata.sqldb into the ..addons/eventscripts/wcs_keyconvertor77/ folder.
The add the following line, [b]AFTER[/b] your wcs line in your autoexec.cfg
es_load wcs_convertor77
Version Notes For 0.2
Updated on: 2008-04-22 01:30:46 EST by joshtrav (View Zip Contents)
0.2 -
Added wcsold command.
Shows users that have remaining spendable levels, as well as total unspent levels.