[b][color=blue]Allows players to have a green "[color=green]tag[/color]" as a prefix of their name. Tags can be appointed by an Administrative user in the server.[/color][/b]
[b]How to use:[/b]
tag "Partial Name" "Tag"
-This is server command, so you need to send it though rcon.
I want to tag my friend named "SuperDeDuper Bob"
I can type: rcon tag Bob "Super cool guy"
Now bobs tag is [color=green][b](Super cool guy)[/b][/color]
[b]1. Unzip the file to you cstrike folder.
2. Add es_load tag to your server.cfg, or autoexec.cfg
3. Restart your server[/b]
[i]You can add some chat commands that aren't working to the allow list in the file tag.py. Open the file with a text editor and add the chat commands that are not working to the lists specified in the file.[/i]
Version Notes For 1
Updated on: 2009-03-28 13:14:15 EST by haloshadow (View Zip Contents)
Initial Release