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SloBot - Version 6

posted on 2007-04-25 10:29:39
by SuperDave


Adjusts the speed of bots based on the number of remaining team members, allows players to walk through bots, and removes certain door types to facilitate bot movement. Requires only ES 2.0+ Options:[syntax="es"]// SloBot release 6 options // ./addons/eventscripts/slobot/slobot.cfg // // Load this addon with: es_load slobot // ***** Speed options ***** slobot_speed_unrestricteddelay 7 // Number of seconds bots have unrestricted movement after combat [default 7] slobot_speed_min 0 // Minimum speed a bot will receive during normal play--0 (50% normal speed) to slobot_speed_max [default 0] slobot_speed_max 5 // Maximum speed a bot will receive during normal play--slobot_speed_min to 5 (normal speed) [default 5] slobot_speed_bombplanted_min 0 // Minimum speed a bot will receive after the bomb is planted--0 (normal speed) to slobot_speed_bombplanted_max [default 0] slobot_speed_bombplanted_max 0 // Maximum speed a bot will receive after the bomb is planted--slobot_speed_bombplanted_min to 5 (150% normal speed) [default 0] slobot_speed_playersleft_percent 60 // Percent of bot speed that is affected by the number of live teammates [default 60] // Bots will move slower with fewer live teammates. // ***** Miscellaneous options ***** slobot_removerotatingdoors 0 // 0 = no change, 1 = certain types of movable doors are removed from maps [default 0] slobot_noblock 1 // 0 = no change, 1 = players can walk through bots, 2 = players can walk through all other players [default 1][/syntax] Please see the forum link below if you have questions or comments.

Version Notes For 6

Updated on: 2008-04-19 02:59:34 EST by SuperDave (View Zip Contents)
- Optimized code

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