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nt_client_keypress - Version 1.0

posted on 2010-05-19 07:46:59
by Absolute


Just a quick addon which simulates the est_client_keypress event using nativetools instead of est To use it just simple load it on your server and then you can use nt_client_keypress as an event in your shell or python script example: [syntax="es"] event nt_client_keypress { if event_var(keyname) == "attack" { if event_var(status) == "1" { // they pressed attack so slay them ?!?!? es_sexec event_var(userid) kill } } } [/syntax] or python: [syntax="python"] import es def nt_client_keypress(event_var): keyname = event_var['keyname'] status = int(event_var['status']) uid = int(event_var['userid']) if keyname == "attack" and status == 1: es.server.queuecmd("es_sexec %s kill" % uid) [/syntax]

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2010-05-19 07:46:59 EST by Absolute (View Zip Contents)

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