nadeEffects gives any thrown hegrenade a special effects!
From glowing sparks to water explosions, every effect can be disabled, enabled and configured.
===> Effects Config Commands "!nfx Disable" Will disable nfx.
2) Enable
-> "!nfx Enable" Will enable nfx.
3) Set effects on-the-go!
Effects are: splf, wlf, bs, is, efe, we (respectively to the effects list above).
!nfx [value]
Example 1: !nfx wlf 50
- Will set the value of the effect 'White light flash' to 50.
Example 2: !nfx efe 20
- Will set the value of the effect 'Extra fire explosion' to 20.
* If [value] is not specified, the effect will be disabled.
If [value] is '0', the effect will be disabled.
4) showConfig
!nfx showConfig
Gives the current effects value and the status of the mod (Enabled / Disabled).
* If is not specified, some general info will be printed.
[Optional] Effect's value.
===> Requirements
-> Installation
1) Type 'es_install nadeEffects' in console.
Required: a. Eventscripts 2.0 or higher
b. Once addon approved
2) Extract the addons folder to your cstrike folder, and put 'es_load nadeEffects' anywhere in cfg/autoexec.cfg
Version Notes For v1.0 STABLE
Updated on: 2008-09-24 09:10:50 EST by LosNir (View Zip Contents)
- Added cvar for configuring main command ("!nfx").
- Fixed possibly corelib error (now loading at startup).
- Fixed public variable (HLSW / GameMonitor).
- Fixed console spamming issue when a player says something that is not an nfx command.
- Added command !nfx / Gives information to the user about nfx.
- Added command !nfx showConfig / Gives the current effects value and the status of the mod (Enabled / Disabled).
- Fixed command issuing order