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KillCounter - Version v1.3

posted on 2008-02-01 21:15:13
by bobdole


Small script/addon that counts the kills on the server and displays them at the beginning of each round. An option to log and display all of the headshot kills that happen is also available. Your players can use !killcounter to display a popup with total kills and headshot kills for the server. !kchelp is the help command.

Version Notes For v1.3

Updated on: 2008-02-23 05:46:35 EST by bobdole (View Zip Contents)
--------------- ||Version 1.3|| --------------- Third public release, after much local and LAN revision and testing, drastic improvements have been made to the displaying of all of the menus, with the upside of this being that the popup system actually *works* now. ;-)

( Previous Versions )