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Custom Placenames - Version 1.1.0

posted on 2008-06-10 20:09:09
by Al3c Tr3v3lyan



Description: *This script allows you to define custom placenames using two points to define the corners of the cube where the placename should be. After defining a database of placenames for a map, you can determine what place a user is located in when you call pn_getplacename . Then the placename will be stored in the variable pn_curpn. Features: *Fully customizable placename locations for individual maps using simple commands in chat. *Command can be used in any other script and the variable that contains the placename is made public. *Will not affect actual radio commands or the word underneath the radar, but you can use this placename in custom radio commands. See the Forum link below for more information.

Version Notes For 1.1.0

Updated on: 2008-06-15 01:52:33 EST by Al3c Tr3v3lyan (View Zip Contents)
Pretty much the same as previous version, just changed an error in the help file.

( Previous Versions )