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Freekiller - Version 3.2.5

posted on 2010-04-06 04:00:34
Led by DanielB
Collaborators: fearts


Concept by Fire (Fearts) Coding by DanielB Designed for jailbreak/hosties servers Allows players to identify and punish freekillers, as well as muting mic spammers Adds three say commands: !freekiller and votemute and !marks !freekiller is used by players to vote others as freekillers votemute is used to vote for players to be muted !marks is used to check the number of marks ones self, also used as the admin command. Notes: !freekiller overwrites votekick and voteban - I'll add an option to remove this soon.


extract to cstrike add [b]es_load freekiller[/b] to autoexec +w00t

Version Notes For 3.2.5

Updated on: 2010-04-06 04:00:34 EST by DanielB (View Zip Contents)
Initial release

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