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ksc (Knife & Scout Counter) - Version 1.0

posted on 2007-08-10 20:27:14
by benny1012002


I made this for my clans scoutzknivez server and modified it slightly so I could make it public. It can also be used on any sever promoting knife use as the scout part can be turned off in the config block. Config block contains: //Debug mode //1 = On //0 = Off es_xsetinfo ksc_debug 0 //Advert //1 = On //0 = Off es_xsetinfo ksc_advert 1 //Advert Loop Time //How often the advert is displayed in seconds es_xsetinfo ksc_looptime 50 //Count Scout Kills? //Server will still record the scout kills //but it will not be displayed. //1 = Yes //0 = No es_xsetinfo ksc_count_scout_kills 1 Player commands: !info - Will display the players kills with knife or knife & scout. !serverknifekills - will display the amount of knife kills made on the server. This will be displayed as part of the advert. !serverscoutkills - will display the amount of scout kills made on the server. This will be displayed as part of the advert. (This only works if scout counting is on. This is my first script to be made public :D

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2007-08-10 20:27:14 EST by benny1012002 (View Zip Contents)

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