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Chatlog - Version 1.2

posted on 2008-08-07 18:33:41
by ojii


Logs every message sent to chat in a sqlite database. [b]Commands:[/b] [i]Note: if you want to 'skip' an argument make it -1[/i] [code] chatlog_prune [limitdays] Deletes (some part of) the database limitdays: minimum age of messages NOT to be pruned chatlog_write [limit [limitdays [path]]] Writes the database in text format to the disk. limit: maximum messages to write limitdays: maximum age for a message to be written path: FOLDER where the file should be put (relative to gamedir) chatlog_write_steamid steamid [limit [limitdays [path]]] Writes messages from a player in text format to the disk. steamid: steamid of the player in double-quotes limit: maximum messages to write limitdays: maximum age for a message to be written path: FOLDER where the file should be put (relative to gamedir) chatlog_write_search text [limit [limitdays [path]]] Writes messages containing in text format to the disk. text: text to be searched, if containing non-letter-characters: put in double quotes! limit: maximum messages to write limitdays: maximum age for a message to be written path: FOLDER where the file should be put (relative to gamedir) chatlog_search text [limit [limitdays]] Prints messages matching the search text into console. PLEASE LIMIT THE SEARCH. If the server crashes it's not my fault! text: text to be searched, if containing non-letter-characters: put in double quotes! limit: maximum messages to display limitdays: maximum age for a message to be displayed chatlog_steamid steamid [limit [limitdays]] Prints messages of a player into console. PLEASE LIMIT THE SEARCH. If the server crashes it's not my fault! steamid: steamid of the player in double-quotes limit: maximum messages to display limitdays: maximum age for a message to be displayed chatlog_admin_add steamid Adds an admin to the admin list. chatlog_admin_del steamid Removes an admin from the admin list. chatlog_admin_check steamid Checks if a steamid is admin. chatlog_admin_view Prints a list of admins to the console. [/code] [b]Cvars:[/b] [code]chatlog_max_limit INT Maximum limit for popup and console searches. Should prevent overflow. Disable: 0, Default: 100 chatlog_auto_prune INT Enables or disbales auto pruning of the database. Disable: 0, Default: 0. The value of auto_prune if enabled is the maximum age of messages in days. chatlog_admin_list STRING List of admins. Comma delimited. Default: '' chatlog_ouput_format STRING Either 'name' or 'steamid'. Output format for console searches. chatlog_allow_public INT Either 0 or 1 to enable or disable. If disabled only admins can use saycommands[/code] [b]Saycommands[/b] [code]!chatlog_search text [limit [limitdays]] Same as chatlog_search in console, just shows it in a popup. !chatlog_steamid steamid [limit [limitdays]] Same as chatlog_steamid in console, just shows it in a popup. !chatlog_name name [limit [limitdays]] Same as !chatlog_steamid but for names in console, just shows it in a popup.[/code] [b]Hard-Coded Configuration[/b] [i]The first three lines of the addon can be configured for security reasons.[/i] [code]hard_security_limit = INT Overrides chatlog_maximum_limit. Disable: None hard_security_admins = LIST Overrides chatlog_adminlist. Disable: [] hard_security_allow_public = BOOL Overrides chatlog_allow_public[/code]


es_install chatlog

Version Notes For 1.2

Updated on: 2008-08-08 14:10:18 EST by ojii (View Zip Contents)
[list] [*]fixed makeList to make correct indentation [*]fixed two-points filename on chatlog_write [*]changed chatlog_write to include a list of names and steamids [*]changed chatlog_write to include either name or steamid as column [*]added name column to database [*]added hard_security_limit variable [*]added hard_security_admins variable [*]added hard_security_allow_public variable [*]added chatlog_max_limit cvar [*]added chatlog_auto_prune cvar [*]added chatlog_admin_list cvar [*]added chatlog_allow_public cvar [*]added chatlog_output_format cvar [*]added chatlog_admin_add command [*]added chatlog_admin_del command [*]added chatlog_admin_check command [*]added chatlog_admin_view command [*]added saycommand !chatlog_search [*]added saycommand !chatlog_steamid [*]added saycommand !chatlog_name [*]added psyco.full(), just in case... [/list]

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