[*][color=green]Easy Configuration[b][/color][/b] - Extremely Easy configuration. You can disable any menu (like, it won't even show up) change any price, disable any item (again, won't even show up)
[*][color=green]Sell[b][/color][/b] - You can sell weapons (Option to disable)
[*][color=green][b]Chat command + Menu[/b][/color][/b] - You can type !buy "Weapon Name" In chat, or console and it'll buy that weapon. or you can type !buy without any parameters to get the menu
[*][color=green][b]Menu Sounds[/b][/color][/size[/b]] - Whenever you click on an option, a cool sound plays (not annoying, at all, srsly)
[*][color=green][b]Easy Navigation[/b][/color][/size] - All menus have submenus, which you can easily Navigate through[/list]
[*][color=green][b]Weapons[/color][/b] - Includes Submenus (Pistols, Smgs, ect.)
[*][color=green][b]Items[/color][/b] - Items include nvgs, grenades ect.
[*][color=green][b]Speed[/color][/b] - You can buy Speed
[*][color=green][b]Props[/color][/b] - Spawn props at view point
[*][color=green][b]Gravity[/color][/b] - Purchase Low Gravity
[*][color=green][b]Health[/color][/b] - Purchase Extra Health
[*][color=green][b]Upgrades[/color][/b] - Purchase Weapon Upgrades for a map
[*][color=blue][size=8]Note:[/color][/size]All menus can be disabled in the config[/list]