If you're listed as an admin, you can use the following command to auto-kick a player:
[b]!autokick [i]<name> <reason>[/i][/b]
[b]Note[/b]: There has to be a reason.
To un-auto-kick him/her, use:
[b]!unautokick [i]<SteamID>[/i][/b]
You can find the SteamID when typing [b]listkicked[/b] in your client-console.
Script will auto-kick the kicked players whenever they join your server and are active.
[b]Configuration File[/b]:[syntax="python"]# ******************************************************
# * Auto Kick by BackRaw Configuration - Idea from REB *
# ******************************************************
# Add Admins here - split with ','
admins = STEAM_0:1:14942199, STEAM_ID_LAN
# Change the Say-Commands in the section below if you want
listkicked = listkicked
autokick = !autokick
unautokick = !unautokick
# *******************************
# * Auto Kick Configuration End *
# *******************************[/syntax]
Hope you like it =D
1. Extract the Zip-file to ./cstrike.
2. put [b]es_xload autokick[/b] in your autoexec.cfg file.
3. Do a mapchange, go to [b]./cstrike/addons/eventscripts/autokick/autokick[/b] and look for the [b]autokick_config.ini[/b] file. Open it, there you can add admins, split the SteamIDs with ",".
4. (and most important) Have fun with it :D
Version Notes For 1.1
Updated on: 2009-09-10 21:38:01 EST by BackRaw (View Zip Contents)
[list][*] Added ability to auto-kick a player with SteamID
[*] Fixed letting the player join regardless of he/she was auto-kicked or not[/list]