This addon allows you to sell/buy items and weapons by a popup.
[*]Timelimit for selling
[*]Team-specific weapons
[*]Timelimit for buying
[*]Team-specific weapons
[*]Easy to format the menus
[*]Worth and depreciation for selling
[*]Message level
[*]Option to disable Valve's buyzone
Configuration file:
[code]// ***********************
// ***********************
// 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
// ***********************
// ***********************
// Enables/Disables the buymenu
wsp_buymenu 1
// Enables/Disables the sellmenu
wsp_sellmenu 1
// <BUYMENU/SELLMENU/BOTH> - The popup stays open, if an item has been choosen
wsp_stayopen "BOTH"
// The format for the shown text in the popups
wsp_format "WEAPON - PRICE$"
// ***********************
// ***********************
// <-1/0/2/3> - Importance level for messages. The higher the value, the more will be shown
wsp_informlevel 2
// Time to buy items
wsp_buytime 30
// Time to sell items
wsp_selltime 30
// Enables/Disables the buyzones
wsp_buyzone 0
// Players can just buy/sell items in their buyzone
wsp_inbuyzone 1
// Worth of a sellable item in percent
wsp_worth 80
// Percentage of depreciation, if the weapon has been used
wsp_depreciation 10[/code]
Weapon configuration file:
[code]# Explanation
# 0 = Disabled/False
# 1 = Enabled/True
# [SUBMENU] - Creates a new submenu for the buymenu
# [[WEAPON]] - Creates a new entry for the weapon in that submenu
# name = <WEAPONNAME> - Name, which is shown in the popup
# price = <PRICE> - Price for the weapon
# sellable2 = <0/1> - Sellable for terrorists?
# sellable3 = <0/1> - Sellable for counter-terrorists?
# buyable2 = <0/1> - Buyable for terrorists?
# buyable3 = <0/1> - Buyable for counter-terrorists?
name = 'Glock'
price = 400
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Usp'
price = 500
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'P228'
price = 600
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Deagle'
price = 650
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Fiveseven'
price = 750
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Elite'
price = 800
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 0
name = 'M3'
price = 1700
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Xm1014'
price = 3000
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Tmp'
price = 1250
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Mac10'
price = 1400
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 0
name = 'MP5Navy'
price = 1500
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Ump45'
price = 1700
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'P90'
price = 2350
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Famas'
price = 2250
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Galil'
price = 2000
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 0
name = 'Ak47'
price = 2500
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 0
name = 'Scout'
price = 2750
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'M4a1'
price = 3100
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Aug'
price = 3500
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 1
name = 'SG550'
price = 4200
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 1
name = 'SG552'
price = 3500
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 0
name = 'Awp'
price = 4750
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'G3SG1'
price = 5000
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 0
name = 'M249'
price = 5750
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Kevlar'
price = 650
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Kevlar & Helmet'
price = 1000
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Flashbang'
price = 200
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Hegrenade'
price = 300
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Smokegrenade'
price = 300
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Defuse kit'
price = 200
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 1
name = 'Nightvision'
price = 1250
sellable2 = 1
sellable3 = 1
buyable2 = 1
buyable3 = 1
name = 'C4'
price = 500
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 0
name = 'Knife'
price = 500
sellable2 = 0
sellable3 = 0
buyable2 = 0
buyable3 = 0[/code]
1. Download the file
2. Extract it to .../orangebox/cstrike
3. Write [b]es_load weaponshop[/b] in your autoexec.cfg or server.cfg
Version Notes For 1.0.2
Updated on: 2012-01-22 13:39:24 EST by Ayuto
[*]Performance has been improved
[*]Changed public variable from WeaponShop to weaponshop_version
[*]Added option to disable Valve's buyzone
[*]Changed level of some messages
[*]Fixed ini-file for notepad