Addons by Tag

Clan Tag Checker Screenshot
Reads in user from a MySql database or txt file and chacks if there allowed to were a clan tag.

Clan Tag Checker Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-03-26 17:02:44
Downloads: 6529

Allows you to punish admins/members for joining if they're tag isn't correct. Also allows to punish other people for joining with your tag.

EinsTagChecker Details Posted: 2006-02-08 01:44:38

allows sorting of clan members onto same team

Ace Team Sorter *Updated September 27* Details Posted: 2006-06-20 21:59:31

tool for managing clan stuff

Ace & Don's Clan Manager: *Updated 28 August 2006* Details Posted: 2006-07-18 09:40:29

by KaBKa

Clanman *updated to work 11.16.06 Details Posted: 2006-11-01 18:49:36

click me